
If you want to learn more generally about bees, especially stingless bees and beekeeping, come along to half and full day workshops held in various venues in Qld and NSW. The workshops are a mix of photographic slideshows and practical sessions. You will learn how to divide hives and extract honey, and use the bees for pollinating your garden. Attendance price varies. Contact the organisers directly for details and to register. For images of workshops visit the Sugarbag Bees Facebook Page If you wish to know when the workshops details have been finalised and you are able to register, then like this page and receive posts. Please contact us if you would like us to give you a workshop, seminar, author talk, etc...

Seminars & Events

Native bee workshops (including a mix of slideshows and practical sessions)

  • 13 Jan, 2024Native stingless bees and how to keep them, Nundah Library, Brisbane + -

    Are you interested in keeping native stingless bees for fun, honey production, conservation or pollination? During this two hour workshop, entomologist and professional educator, Dr Tim Heard will teach you the basics of how to become a stingless beekeeper.

    Sat 13 Jan 2024, 10 am - 12 midday.

    Free but bookings required. Phone Nundah Library on 07 3407 8701 to reserve your place.

  • 24 Feb, 2024Native Bee Workshop for Naturally GC - Burleigh Waters + -

    Join us for a free NaturallyGC workshop on Sat 24th Feb 9:30 - 11:30 AM.

    Are you ready to be a bee keeper? A native bee keeper, that is.

    Australia is home to some 1,700 species of native bee. Most native bee species are solitary with just 11 species living in colonies. These social bees can be kept in hives, produce honey and don't sting!

    Come along to this workshop and learn the basics on native bees and the important role they play in our environment. We will get to know the inner life of these lovely pollinators and see a live hive. You will pick up lots of tips on managing the native social bees, including how to extract honey from them and propagate colonies.

    Aislinn is beekeeper and manager at Sugarbag Bees. With over 6 years on the job, she has spent a considerable amount of time immersed in all things native-bees. This two hour workshop will entertain and educate you at the same time. This workshop alternates between a slide presentations and a practical session including splitting a hive to build a strong foundation of knowledge and experience.

    Register here


    -Suitable for adult learning age 12 and above. Not suitable for young children.

    -Further event details including location information is provided within the email confirmation as you scroll down after registration

    -This workshop has both an indoor and outdoor component


    -You must secure a ticket for all participants attending. If you can't secure a spot you require at the time of registration please do not book. Each workshop is set to a maximum capacity.

    Presented by Sugarbag Bees

    Supported by Division 12 Cr Pauline Young.

  • 7 Mar, 2024Native Stingless Bees Workshop, Eatons Hill, QLD + -

    Native Stingless Bees Workshop

    Where - Yuraba Conference Centre, 240 Church Road, Eatons Hill QLD

    When - Thursday 7 March 2024, 9.30am till 3.30pm

    Cost - $95/person and includes morning tea, lunch and honey tasting in the afternoon

    Book your place by contacting Kim or phone 33253492

    This workshop alternates between slide presentations and practical sessions to build a strong foundation of knowledge and experience. The presentations cover the topics of bee nesting, bee foraging, diversity of wild bees, importance of bees in natural systems, stingless beekeeping, using stingless bees for pollination of gardens and farms, sugarbag honey and its properties, rescuing bees threatened in the wild, and more. Practical demonstrations cover hive design, splitting hives to propagate new ones, extracting honey. If available, we also transfer a colony from a natural location into a hive.

  • 21 May, 2024World Bee Day with Tim Heard + -

    Native Stingless Bees Workshop

    Where - Caboolture Region Environmental Education Centre, 150 Rowley Road, Burpengary 450

    When - Thursday 21st of May 2024, 10 - 11am

    Cost - Free but bookings essential, book directly through CREEC here -

    Join us at Caboolture Region Environmental Education Centre for a workshop on Australian native bees.

    Tim Heard, an entomologist will present on stingless bees and beekeeping for World Bee Day.

    World Bee Day raises awareness of the importance of bees, the threats they face, and their contribution to the environment.

    Tim has been keeping Australian native bees since 1985 and can answer any questions you have. He is also an ex-CSIRO research scientist and has written a book on keeping stingless bees.