
If you want to learn more generally about bees, especially stingless bees and beekeeping, come along to half and full day workshops held in various venues in Qld and NSW. The workshops are a mix of photographic slideshows and practical sessions. You will learn how to divide hives and extract honey, and use the bees for pollinating your garden. Attendance price varies. Contact the organisers directly for details and to register. For images of workshops visit the Sugarbag Bees Facebook Page If you wish to know when the workshops details have been finalised and you are able to register, then like this page and receive posts. Please contact us if you would like us to give you a workshop, seminar, author talk, etc...

Seminars & Events

Native bee workshops (including a mix of slideshows and practical sessions)

  • 18 Jan, 2025Native stingless bees and how to keep them, New Farm, Brisbane + -

    Are you interested in keeping native stingless bees for fun, honey production, conservation or pollination? During this two hour workshop, entomologist and professional educator, Dr Tim Heard will teach you the basics of how to become a stingless beekeeper.

    Sat 18 Jan 2025, 10:30am to 12:30pm

    Free but bookings required. Phone New Farm Library on 07 3403 1062 to reserve your place.

    New Farm Library, 135 Sydney Street, New Farm

  • 8 Mar, 2025Native Stingless Bees Workshop, Eatons Hill, QLD + -

    Native Stingless Bees Workshop

    Where - Yuraba Conference Centre, 240 Church Road, Eatons Hill QLD

    When - Saturday 8 March 2025, 8:30am til 2:30pm

    Cost - $95/person and includes morning tea and lunch

    Book your place by contacting Kim

    Come and learn about beekeeping, how to set up your own hive, extract honey and then taste the honey with creamy ice cream. Dr Toby Smith from Bee Aware will explain all about the secret life of bees and give a practical demonstration on how to split hives and extract honey. Toby has hosted workshops on many occasions so we are super excited to have him back. Pick up a copy of Dr Tim Heards book on which the workshop is based also!