The OATH (Original Australian Trigona Hive) is the workhorse of Australia’s stingless bee industry. The majority of beekeepers use it, or a variant of it. The OATH has proven ideal in many ways. It is simple to construct, so it can be built by anyone with average skills and modest tools. It is cheap, because the labour involved is minimal and the materials are economical. Its design also incorporates a means of splitting the hive, which has boosted its popularity and the number of new stingless hives being created. The OATH has propelled the propagation of countless thousands of new hives. The standard footprint has the advantage that it allows hives from various sources to be interchangeable. Timber thickness of 25 mm is often used, although it is common to see hives made of timber up to 45 mm thick.
Preparing for and receiving your hive of native stingless bees
See this informative PDF document for important information on positioning your hive, how to release the bees, the temporary viewing panel and more - Preparing And Receiving Your Hive Of Native Stingless Bees
Research Publications
See here for a list of Tim’s bee-related scientific research publications.
This article provides a brief telling of Tim's bee career.
Design of a Stingless Bee Hive
Youtube Videos
Gardening Australia - Native Stingless Bees
Management of native stingless bees
Transferring a native stingless bee colony from a water meter box
Back from the Brink - Season 2 Episode 3 - Stingless Bee
Design of an Australian native bee hive:
Internal architecture of an Australian native bee hive
Splitting an Australian native bee hive
Honey Love
Observation hive and how to stock it with stingless bees, from Dan Klaer
Facebook Pages
Join the Australian Native Bee Association to help the conservation and sustainable use of all Australian native bees. ANBA provides resources, disseminates information, supports members and has branches forming around the country.
A well-documented hive split and honey extraction by Dr Tim Heard and Michael Mobbs, by Milkwood Permaculture.
Steve Flavel from Native Bee Hives gifts us with a fantastic website loaded with useful information and news.
The Aussie Bee and Australian Native Bee Research Centre site provides a lot of free native bee information
Valley Bees is a great example of a strong and active community group – tackles all bees
Chris Fuller rents stingless bee hives for pollination
Megan Halcroft's Bees Business
Dan from Sydney Native bees offers a full range of services and workshops